Midwoof Diaries: Slice of the Breeding Life (2)

Slice of the Breeding Life

Our cute little bunch is cozy and warm. Even though it's summer, we have a heater on in the office to make sure their temps stay up. Phoebe is so little that we usually have her and the puppies in an under the bed plastic storage box in the whelping pen so that she can keep them close and they are able to eat and stay warm. Once they are a little bigger, the heater won't be necessary. They will grow out of the plastic box in about a week to 10 days. Right now she has to be urged to go potty outside, she doesn't want to leave them for even a minute.

Weight updates:

Puppy #1: 9.7 oz (8.7 yesterday)

Puppy #2: 10.7 oz (10.1 yesterday)

Puppy #3: 5.5 oz (5.2 yesterday)

Puppy #4: 7.7 oz (7.1 yesterday)

Puppy #5: 10.3 oz (9.3 yesterday)

Everyone gained!


Midwoof Diaries: Slice of the Breeding Life (3)


Midwoof Diaries: Slice of the Breeding Life (1)