Midwoof Diaries: Slice of the Breeding Life (6)

Slice of the Breeding Life

All is well in the SMP nursery this morning! We asked our vet to come by and take a peek at our tiny girl from Raven's litter. We wanted to make sure she doesn't have a physical issue, such as a cleft palate, that would contribute to her tiny self and eating issue. Dr. Sarah said that she is healthy, just small, and to keep going with supplementing her. This is great news for us! We are getting attached to the feisty little sweetheart. We've been weighing her in grams to see more progress. She gains so slowly, the ounces are too big of a measurement. In less than a week she's gone from 5.1 oz to approximately 10.6 oz. She was 287 grams early this morning and was 300 grams by 9 am on her own, no supplementation. The hope is that as she gets bigger she will be more efficient and able to nurse enough to keep her weight where it needs to be.


Midwoof Diaries: Story Time! Mr. SMP takes bottle feeding on for the very first time…


Midwoof Diaries: Slice of the Breeding Life (5)